Friday, July 27, 2007

To learn English as a second language.

E.N.G.L.I.S.H!!!!!! It means a LOT of things to me. It's sometimes fun and sometimes SOOOOO difficult. It's imprtant thing to get a job because most company want well-English-educated person. Also, it's essntial element to understand international things like a international business and relationships between countries and varied cultures. When I study in university, it's also imprtant because many of books are written in English. Even, some lectures are given in English. One of the most HUGE reason why I learn Engish is that I want to read the original English text without other's translation. Few years ago, I read a book that translated by someone and after then, I accidently read the original text. At that time, I figured out one thing that it can be have different meanings between original text and text in translation. Actually, I was little bit shocked. I had naver thought about mistranslation before.

Those kinds of reasons, English fun or not, I have to learn English. So, I decided go to America and I'm in Sandiego.

However, What am I doing here? Do I really do my best, NOW???
I know that I must study English hardly. I know, know, konw!!!!! The problem is that I JUST KNOW and I'm not studying English hard. There are lots of reasons WHY?? First, it seems to be considered kind of excuse, this lanuage is sooo difficult to Korean. The grammar, pronunciation, accents... ALL things are totally different. So, the speed of improving English is more and more and more slow than other countries's students. However, I think the most big problem is me, me, me... I don't have patience to study English. There are no passion, no strong desire. I have to change my attitude and set a clear goal.

I have wanted to study English, I have put a lot of money to study English and I need English obviously for future.

I really really don't want to be a loser. I really really wnat to be a good English speaker.
For these, I think it would be good to look back and make a new plan for future.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Mothers are great!!!

My mother always give me a phone call in dawn because she usually forget what time is it in USA. I couldn't get a call 3 times. Today morning, also, I couldn't get a call. So, I gave her a phone call. She was asking lots of things such as health, studying and so on. I said that I got a dermatitis and doctor and me don't have any idea why it happen to me and asked something to her. "Mom~ I think I had same situation before. I can't remember clearly. Maybe, at that thime, I was highschool student, right? However I can't remember why I was getting a dermatitis." Then, she said "That was caused by dog, can't you remember that?" YES!!!! That's mom!!! I couldn't remember why, though that was my problem! However, my mother remember the reason. I was amazed and moved.

Nowadays, I miss my mother because the food problem. American food make people want to eat it continuously. I think it's kind of addiction. Of course, NOT all American foods are toxic. So, I ate American food many times. The most important thing is that most toxic foods are bad for health. I think the reason of my skin problem is FOOD though doctor gussed the cause might be INSECT. So, nowadays I make Korean food by myself and eat it tough the taste is bad-_-;;;. SOOOOO!, I really wanna eat my mother's food. I miss mother's food.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Taliban is kidnapping Korean missionary work group.

My sister gave me phone call and she said "Korea is facing a big problem!! One missionary work group is kidnapped in Afghan!!!! Twenty three persons!!!"

She really worried them who is trapping in Afghan and she was really serious about this problem. She said that Taliban want to Korea government withdraw their army from Afghan, though they are not a combat unit(they are medical and restoration unit). She said that Taliban would kill twenty three korean people if Korea government dosen't withdraw army. Her voice really high and very tense. So, I said just one sentence with very cold voice. "Korea government never withdraw army till U.S.A want to do that." It's so sad, but that's true. Korea government will do their best for release twenty three missionaries but they won't accept Taliban's requirement. It's soooooo clear. They'll die if Korea government can't find any way to release them or Taliban don't change their mind.

It's so sad. The missionary work group went to Afghan to help poor people. However, their goodwill turn into a big problem. It's tragedy.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bitter smile.

I really like Asian Movie. It's not like a Hollywood movie. I think Hollywood movie have more huge scale and more well-made in technical aspect than Asian movie. However, I can find something, that make me move and make me change emotionally and my life attitude, in the Asian movie.
One of my favorite Asian director is Wang jiawei. He made 'Happy together', 'The mood in the love' , '2046' and so on. When I watched 'The mood in the love', I was out of sort because the movie was so beautiful and sad. Also, I thought about the life seriously after watched this movie.
This active picture is from '2046'. He's real name is Kimura Takuya who is really famouse actor and singer in Asia. I really like his facial expressin that is kind of bitter smile. This movie was little bit difficult to understand so it's not one of favorite movie. However, I like the actor's perfomances in this movie.
I recomand to you guys, You MUST watch Wang's movie!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Jimin, who is really love to flight.

Hi~ Everybody~!! My name is Jimin. I'm a university student and my major is Chinese and Business. I'm Asian as you guessing. Actually, I'm Korean. My family live in Incheon but I live in sandiego to study English!! I've been here four months. It's amazing that I've been another country to study!! I really love to flight, that means I 'm a totally traveling person. I went to China and Japan because I like to travel. I like to experience other country's culture because it's so exciting and sometimes it make me feel something new!
Though, the main reason of coming to Sandiego is studying, I can experience Amerian culture that is new to me.
I have a plan that is go to Euroup and India because I want to see something that would make me feel exciting!!