Friday, July 20, 2007

Taliban is kidnapping Korean missionary work group.

My sister gave me phone call and she said "Korea is facing a big problem!! One missionary work group is kidnapped in Afghan!!!! Twenty three persons!!!"

She really worried them who is trapping in Afghan and she was really serious about this problem. She said that Taliban want to Korea government withdraw their army from Afghan, though they are not a combat unit(they are medical and restoration unit). She said that Taliban would kill twenty three korean people if Korea government dosen't withdraw army. Her voice really high and very tense. So, I said just one sentence with very cold voice. "Korea government never withdraw army till U.S.A want to do that." It's so sad, but that's true. Korea government will do their best for release twenty three missionaries but they won't accept Taliban's requirement. It's soooooo clear. They'll die if Korea government can't find any way to release them or Taliban don't change their mind.

It's so sad. The missionary work group went to Afghan to help poor people. However, their goodwill turn into a big problem. It's tragedy.


Lauren said...

That is so sad. When the Taliban were in power they kidnapped some American missionaries too.

I hope the Koreans get released safely.

We have been in Afganistan for so long and now the Taliban are so strong again. Very sad.

tietie2711 said...

I heard about that yesterday in the news... I hope they will find a solution soon!!